KENETEX Wealth Management
A Member of Advisory Services Network, LLC
Your Personalized Portfolio Managers

KENETEX Wealth Management
A Member of Advisory Services Network, LLC

Every client has a personal relationship
with a KWM trusted advisor.
KWM provides high value management :
custom portfolios at low fees.
At KWM, your investment preferences
are respected and honored.
Anyone who saves or has any wealth
can qualify for KWM services.
KWM's approach adapts
to your changing needs.

Wealth management Services

Why is wealth management important?
Wealth is the sum of accumulated savings that you or your institution store over years of earnings and revenue after expenditures.
Wealth management is every bit as important as the ability to earn or acquire income, as it enables you to meet goals, commitments and unexexpected circumstances when direct income or earnings are insufficient or terminated.
You would never leave decisions about a car or a house up to market averages or impersonal institutions. Why would you assume your investments are different than these other important assets?
2128 Brockman Boulevard
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 (MICHIGAN)
734-995-2599 Michigan Cell